Thursday 16 February 2017

So now we in 2017 freshman's year done. Hoping the best in this New Year

Tuesday 7 June 2016


Rusangu University traces in historical roots in the Missionary endeavors of an American Missionary named, William Harry Anderson who in 1903 was the Principal of Solusi Mission. He crossed over in the company of several African Adventist Workers namely; Jacob Detcha, Philip Malomo, Jack Mahlatini Mpofu and Andrew Nyakana and established Rusangu Mission in 1905.

It initially opened in 1975 as Rusangu Ministerial School. It was the sole institution in the country that provided Ministerial training to most of the Pastors serving the Zambian Adventist territory. It later had its name changed to Zambian Adventist Seminary to broaden the scope for the theological training that was being offered. In December 1993, a decision was made to re-locate it to Musofu in Chief Chitina's area in Mkushi. However, in 1994, the institution was closed so as to have adequate time to plan for its re-organization and upgrading.

In 1997, the institution's name was changed to Zambia Adventist Collage due to its extended intended mission of incorporating other academic and professional; disciplines in addition to theology. In the year 2000, the college re-opened and began to run in-service Theological Programmes at Riverside Farm Institute in kafue in collaboration with Solusi University. This programme caters for the local Pastors in meeting the requirements of undergraduate Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Theological and Religious Studies. A historical landmark was made in our country when the doors of Zambia Adventist University were finally opened to our theology students in May, 2003. In 2011, Zambia Adventist University changed its name to Rusangu University.

The need for a Seventh-day Adventist Institution of Higher Learning in Zambia is long over due and indeed unquestionable. The move to establish an Adventist University in our country is irreversible.

Rusangu University offers various programmes in Health, Business, Theology, Education and many more.